I'm Milo, creator of Your Travel Notes!
My grandparents always inspired me to travel. They were perpetually packing and unpacking their suitcases. It didn't matter if they were boarding a bus to Branson, Missouri or jet-setting twenty hours to Sydney, Australia - I would beg to join them. I never quite fit in their luggage. But I was lucky that my grandma Nellie was skilled at crafting scrapbooks. I used to jump right off the school bus (they were our neighbors) and spend hours engulfed in the pages of her massive spiral-bound books. Each was filled with anything from hotel napkins to fallen leaves, all accompanied by her handwritten descriptions of each glued down memento and photo.
When it was time to start stamping my own passport, I kept those scrapbooks in mind. But capturing my journeys became a daunting task while traveling. I was overwhelmed trying to mirror my grandmother’s meticulous scrapbooks. Instead, I turned to writing my experiences in a journal. For a decade I kept all my travels in a weathered journal I schlepped all over.

I thought I had filled its ruled pages with authentic memories. Turns out I had written down a play by play from my trips. I failed to capture my feelings and emotions. Even when I saw wild elephants for the first time or was pulled into airport security over a bomb scare. I realized my journal was simply a grocery list of my experiences. Paging through my own journal didn’t give me the same nostalgia as paging through my grandmother's scrapbooks. I craved something more that could guide me in saving those moments more genuinely.

So, I created a prompted travel journal that would fix my woes of capturing these adventures. As my grandparents continue to inspire me, I am thrilled to share Your Travel Notes. These thoughtfully curated journals have been crafted to help guide travelers in archiving their world as they experience it! Your Travel Notes for cherishing your memorable moments for decades to come.